After getting off to such a quick start last month, I was surprised at how hard I found it to find a good time to read this book. It's not that I didn't want to read it. On the contrary, this is the one book I really wanted to read this month! It's that I didn't want to read it too soon. Then it got pushed back to the end of the month because of school and life responsibilities. I was finally able to get to it though and ended up finishing it in one sitting instead of the three days I had set aside for it.
Sometimes you have to be wary with sequels. They don't always live up to the expectations or standards set by the first book. Scarlet, however, is not one of those books. It was just as good or, possibly, better than Cinder. The writing was on par with what I have come to expect from Marissa Meyer's work. The story was well paced, interesting, and engaging. I have to say, I think I like Scarlet and Wolf (and ScarletxWolf) better than I like Cinder and Kai (and CinderxKai). I liked that Scarlet was tough but semi-trusting. I liked that Wolf was tough and vulnerable all at the same time. I like the way they interacted more too, wary and probing while still working things through. I found Captain Thorne pretty annoying, but I also think that added to his charm. All in all, this book was absolutely fantastic! I gave it a 5 out of 5 stars.
The next book we will be reading for the TLC Readalong is Cress, and I simply cannot wait. The first two books were amazing and I am so glad I decided to read this series. Once again, if you haven't read these books before, I hope that you'll join in on this readalong so you can experience them too!
The Book Addicts Guide Lunar Chronicles Readalong post: